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(614) 929-5217

About us

A Welcome from the Pastor & First Lady

Thank you for visiting us! We look forward to seeing you again!


We at Love Zion Baptist Church strive to be a five-star church with a modern approach to sharing the truth of the Word and the purpose of God's Will. We are a place of love and sanctuary; a place where the soul is fed and the spirit is motivated. We believe in building a kingdom for the glory of God with no race, color, age, gender or economic barriers - a place of uninhibited praise with no limitations through the spirit of God. We believe in Ministries with Purpose that counsel, nurture and enrich our community, as well as service its needs. We believe in a holistic ministry that reaches men, women and youth from all walks of life.


Our Ministries are non-existent without you. Through the use of a Spiritual Inventory, we will assist you in finding your fit in the ministry. We will help you to identify your strengths and grow your God-given talents. A great way to be a blessing to your church is to make yourself available to serve in ministry. We are participating in the harvest, and it is plentiful (John 4:35-38).


Pastor Wesley Greenfield Jr. & First Lady Ruth Greenfield


As believers, worship is what we do. Pastor Tim Keller said, “Worship is seeing God for what He’s worth and giving Him what He’s worth.”  We can be thankful and sing God’s praises because unlike those in the Old Testament we are not limited to how close we can get to God based on our status.  He allows us to go all the way in.


According to Lawrence O. Richard’s Expository Bible Dictionary, mercy is compassion expressed to meet human need.  In Christ we have received mercy as God withholds the punishment that we deserve because of our sin. 


The clock on all our lives is moving.  Every second that we live is one less second that we have available to us.  As we learned Sunday, it is not natural to think in terms of just how precious time is.  But, because it is limited, we must make the most of the time afforded us.

Deacon Ministry

Scriptural officers of the Church, called to be the servants of the Church and assistants of the Pastor.

Deaconess Ministry

Appointed women who counsel and nurture others, as well as prepare for Holy Ordinances.s.

Music Ministry

Choirs, choruses and musicians organized for the supply of sacred music for services and Church events.


Choir Rehearsal

  • Pastoral Choir: 1st and 3rd Saturdays at 10:00am
  • Praise Team: 5th Saturday at 10:00am
  • Youth Choir: 4th Saturday at 11:00am


Please contact ministry leaders for any changes in rehearsal times.

Additional Ministries

Shining Stars Ministry

Our seasoned saints have experience, wisdom, and gifts that are still beneficial to the kingdom. This ministry provides activities and service opportunities for our seniors. Meets the third Saturday of every month at 11:00am.

Fulfillment Hour Classes

Fulfillment Hour is a small group ministry that is implemented through Sunday school and is outreach minded. We call it Fulfillment Hour because it is the one-hour in the life of Love Zion that best equips us to fulfill the Great Commission.

Health and Wellness Ministry

Specialized unit of dedicated people, certified for services by the American Red Cross, to look after the health and safety needs of the Church congregation. Meets monthly on the second Saturday of the month at 12:00 p.m.

Ushers Ministry

Greet and seat persons in a friendly and hospitable manner and assure an orderly service by enforcing church rules of conduct. Meets monthly on the second Saturday of the month at 11:00am.

Visions of Hope Missions Ministry

Dedicated servants of Christ that perform missionary services to the community, such as homeless ministry, prison ministry, religious visitation, and outreach. Meets monthly on the second Saturday of the month at 10:00am.

Greeters Ministry

Warmly welcomes all visitors upon their entrance into the Church for services and other functions. Meets bimonthly on the first Saturday of the month at 12:00pm.

Security Ministry

Committed to serve and protect the Church, its property, members and their property during all worship services and activities.

Assimilation Ministry

This ministry is intentionally connecting both members and potential members to the fabric of our ministry. This includes but is not limited to New Members class, follow-up calls and cards to visitors, providing mentor partners, placements in small groups, and offering ministry opportunities.

Youth Ministry

By providing opportunities for our youth to serve, fellowship, and have fun in the Lord, they are encouraged to grow and realize their potential. We believe out youth are a part of the church of today, not simply the church of tomorrow.

Catering Ministry

Prepare delicious meals for Church special occasions, events and functions.

Trustee Faith

Serve as legal Representatives for the Church. They are responsible for the buying, selling, mortgage, lease, disposal of and the transfer of church property.

Media Ministry

Responsible for all of the audio, visual and technological needs and services of the Church and its ministries. 

Generation Faith

Dedicated in creating unique paths that connect adults in their 20s and 30s to Christ and empower faith-based relationships through fellowship, service and outreach.

Outreach/Meals On Wheels Ministry

Outreach is a vehicle to H.E.L.P. (Help Encourage Love and Pray) while connecting the community to Christ.


Meals on Wheels is a volunteer based ministry in which participants dedicate their time once a week to home deliver meals to mostly elderly individuals who are unable to purchase or prepare their own meals. 

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